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Lawry’s Dinnertisement Winner Announced

Last week I shared my 30 minute recipe for Santa Fe Chili Chicken with you and offered a Lawry’s Giveaway.  Remember?  Well, we picked a winner of the Rachael Ray Lasagna Lover dish and all the delicious new Lawry’s Marinades and spices.  We encourage you to make your own Dinnertisement since so many people seemed to enjoy it this past week.  You can also follow the Dinnertisement discussion on twitter with the fabulous #LawrysMoms who are sharing their recipes & Giveaways as well!

#LawrysMoms Giveaway


The Dinnertising lucky winner is:


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Lawry’s in connection with The Motherhood.  I was given product and a stipend for my involvement.  I was asked to share my honest opinion with my readers.


  1. This is really a great prize to be honest I really like to join such competition and to see my name on TV.
