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David Arquette and Ecomom Tackle Child Hunger #ItsAllGood

It’s almost unbelievable that there would be children in the US that are going hungry, but it is a reality.  In fact 1 in 5 children in the US are receiving emergency food service every year.  That just blows my mind.   That’s why when I heard that Ecomom works directly with local organizations to provide emergency assistance to families in need of food across the US I felt I needed to share information with my readers on how they could help.  David Arquette partnered with Ecomom  in support of the “It’s All Good” initiative that will help ensure our children do not go hungry.

How can you help?

You can buy eco friendly healthy products for your children and actually help feed a hungry child, here in the US, at the same time! For every purchase made through ecomom.com, no matter how big or small, the site will donate three healthy, nutritious meals for a day for a child between the ages of 4 and 18 months. It’s that simple.

The goal is to feed at least 100,000 hungry children in the U.S. this year. David Arquette is not only an advocate, by he is a DAD whose proven devotion to his daughter and consistent time devoted to Feeding America perfectly align with the Ecomom’s ambitions.

Remember, buying products you use everyday from Ecomom.com will help feed a child here is the US so be sure to visit today.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Ecomom in association with  The Blogger Connection and I received compensation to share my honest opinion with you.


  1. I am not familiar with David Arquette but I really do admire his courage in having this interview to save many people who suffer’s from famine.I hope that all the people around the globe would be the same as him.
