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Wordless Wednesday: My Fall Garden

I still have stevia, peppermint, chives, oregano, and garlic chives to plant.

So far we have jalapeno peppers, red bell peppers, chocolate cherry tomatoes, cayenne peppers, habanero peppers, sweet mint, thyme, basil, strawberries and rosemary.

I’m going to add carrots this weekend and I’m looking for some other recommendations.  I ordered an herb garden book and it is coming in today – so excited.

What’s missing?

Add your WW post:


  1. Very cool! I wish I had more sunlight in my yard so I could grow stuff, too!

  2. Love it. None of those would survive a fall here 🙁

  3. Sadly none of that would survive a fall here. Lucky you!

  4. Awesome! I’m planting some this weekend 🙂 Here’s to a good harvest for us both!

  5. That is very impressive!

    Have a great WW!

  6. you know, I’ve never considered doing a fall garden! goodness! What a good idea!

  7. Mary Ambrosino says

    I intend to be there next month for a sample. It looks awesome. Great job. Can you grow tomatoes in Florida in the fall?
