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Weight Loss Motivation: What Do You See When You Look Down?

You might remember I shared that I am participating in the Shaklee blogger program last month, but you are probably wondering why you haven’t heard much more.  Well, the truth of the matter is because “life” sidetracked me and after doing three weeks of hard work and smart choices, I got knocked down.  Has this ever happened to you?

looking down

Getting Re-Motivated

Instead of focusing on all the bad choices I’ve been making and feeling sorry for myself I decided to acknowledge what caused my derailment and move on.  It isn’t an easy thing to do.  Getting re-motivated and having to start all over again has it’s drawbacks but the important thing is knowing that it isn’t over and I can still do this!  Accountability is my friend.  

When I look down I don’t want to see a stomach.

I want to see my toes, my feet, and the floor.

I can do this.

Bad Friend

I’m fortunate enough to belong to a group of amazing women with a fearless leader named Sommer who hasn’t given up on me yet.  This group of Shaklee Bloggers are amazing.  Every day they support each other and share tips, tricks, and other bits of information with each other to make their weight loss journey a little easier.  I have taken advantage of them because for the past two months I have done nothing but stalk our group.  I haven’t been supportive, not like the others.  I haven’t “joined” in their successes or shared in their failures.  I haven’t done anything and today I officially apologized to them all.  I have been a bad friend.

The Plan

At this point I’m starting over.  I’ll keep my original measurements, but I’m going back to the basics.  I think before I fell I had lost 4 lbs. but the cheesecake I made earlier this week put those 4 lbs. back on me + a few more.  I’m going back to my yummy Shaklee Smoothies in the morning with a cup of fruit and a meal bar for lunch with a portion controlled healthy dinner and healthy snacks in between meals.  I’m going back to drinking  water, have my Shaklee 180 Metabolic Boost tablets, and energy tea.  All these things worked to give me the weight loss motivation I needed and this time I’m not going to quit.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating. My opinions are my own. People following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180™ Program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.


  1. Oh, honey. We ALL know about falling every now and then. Or even lots and lots. We just have to do what we have to do at certain times in life. Eventually, we realize where we need to be and take the steps to get there. Be kind to yourself and try to think of past achievements and successes you’ve had. Remembering those things will help to spur your confidence to get back on track and get to where you want to be.

  2. Mary Ambrosino says

    Very good. There is nothing wrong with a second chance. I know you will do it and congratulations on having the courage to try again. Good luck…..

  3. Oh sweetie, I 100% know you can do this and I’m here to support you. I won’t give up on you and I don’t want you to give up either! Starting is what matters and I’m proud of you for starting again!


  1. Weight Loss Motivation: What Do You See When You Look Down?…

    What Do You See When You Look Down? Getting Re-Motivated The post Weight Loss Motivation: What Do You…
