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Top 5 Mistakes After a Breakup

Have you ever been crazy in love with someone? Only to have them break your heart and the relationship like it meant nothing to them. Well, it happens to all of us. But we all learn from our past and move on. Here are top 5 mistakes that men and women usually make after the breakup that stops them from moving on.

top 5 mistakes after a breakup

  1. Calling and Texting Your Ex Constantly

It’s one thing to call your ex to get your DVD collection back from their house. It’s a totally different thing if you call them every 15 minutes talking about the relationship and how you are feeling. When your ex breaks up with you, they are no longer responsible to support you emotionally. Calling and texting them is only going to make you look weak and stop you from moving on.

  1. Obsessing over their Facebook

The social media certainly has its advantages. But when it comes to breakups, Facebook and Twitter can really hinder your progress to move on. If your ex regularly updates their Facebook, you will find yourself trying to decipher the hidden messages behind each one of their status update and everything they share. Perhaps there is a hidden message, or perhaps you are just being silly. Regardless, any time spent obsessing over there Facebook is time wasted. ‘Cause really, what good will come of it?

  1. Trying To Get Back Together Before Processing Your Emotions

Wanting to get back together is like a knee-jerk reaction after a breakup. Even if you were miserable in your relationship, your first thought after the breakup will be to reconcile. But in reality, you can never know whether or not getting back together is a good idea unless you give yourself time to process all your emotions. A website on reconciliation; Ex Back Permanently says that even if you do win your ex back without processing your emotions, you will probably end up regretting it later on.

  1. Taking Everything Personally

Someone tells you that they don’t want you in their life anymore. Someone tells you, that they don’t find you attractive anymore. Someone tells you that they’d rather be alone than be in a relationship with you. It’s got to hurt right. How can you not take a breakup personally?

The fact is, they rejected you. But that does not necessarily mean you are any less of a person. Think about it this way, out of the billions of people on this planet, you are not suitable for one person. One teeny tiny person. In my book, that isn’t really a rejection that you should take to heart.

  1. Getting Back Into a Serious Relationship Too Soon

Some may argue that rebound relationships help them get over a breakup. And it might be true. But only if it was made clear to the other party from the starting that it’s nothing serious. You should not end up hurting someone else just because you didn’t go through your grief in the first place. Unless you have truly moved on, it’s best to not get into any serious relationship with anyone.

Author Bio: Aaron Macfee loves to write about dating and relationships. His empathic and unique take on dating, breakups, and relationship makes him an interesting read.



  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    Pay attention to thesefive things because we have all been guilty.
