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Space Saving Solutions for Childrens’ Bedrooms

Space Saving Solutions for Childrens’ Bedrooms


It’s often the case that the kids end up with the smallest room in the house. For some this isn’t so bad, but for others, the dreaded ‘box room’ can prove problematic. Every parent wants to give their child their dream bedroom, and even though it might be small, you can still do the same if you implement some clever space saving solutions.  We find that offering our son space saving solutions it also makes it easier for him to clean up…which is really important to us!

Pull Down Beds

Building a bed into a wall might remind you of scruffy motel rooms, but if done properly it can be a really effective way to save space in a tiny bedroom. You could add a blackboard, mirror or some artwork to the underside of the bed, so that when it’s folded up you’re not losing any valuable wall space. If fitting a pull-down bed seems like too much work, you could opt for a high sleeper with a desk space or pull-out sofa bed underneath to maximize the little floor space available.

Transforming Desks

If fitting a homework desk into your child’s room seems impossible, think again. Images of desks that fold up into wall art, blackboards and mirrors are flooding Pinterest at the moment, and it’s a really easy way to ensure your child has somewhere to study. Most folding desks like these also have a handy hidden place to store pots of pens, folders and notebooks, so all your child’s school supplies won’t have to clutter their bedroom.

Super Slim Wardrobes

Most children don’t have a huge selection of clothing, so buying an extra slim wardrobe from somewhere like Indigo is a good way of saving floor space. If you do find there’s not enough room to house all their clothes in this type of wardrobe, you could always move bulkier items like winter coats into your own closet.

Ceiling Shelving

Having a shelf that runs around the very top of one wall is a great accompaniment to a high sleeper bed. You could use it to store books and trinkets as they can be easily reached when your child is up on their bed.

There’s no reason why a small bedroom can’t be functional and fun. In the eyes of your children, clever space saving solutions will make their bedroom unique and better than all their friends’. Whether you add a pull-down bed or a transforming desk, anything out of the ordinary is sure to be a big hit with them.

What tips do you have about space saving solutions for kid’s bedrooms?


  1. I really love the fold down desks! A small wardrobe and frequent clothes culling is my best space saver…once it’s outgrown, out (either as a donation or into storage for handmade me down) it goes.

  2. I will implement your tips for my daughter’s room. I liked all your suggestions but I will go for the # tip.
