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Chewing Orbit® Gum is like tasting Happiness

This post brought to you by Dollar General. All opinions are 100% mine.

Chewing Orbit® Gum is like tasting Happiness 

You know there is just something creepy about people that don’t like gum. They might as well have an aversion to happiness. I love gum and will chew it till there is no flavor, add a piece and continue. I chew gum so much that if I were turned into a zombie I would pack one fierce bite! Gum is probably my favorite thing to put in my mouth other than lobster. I use it to strengthen my masticatory musculature, to relieve stress, when I am hungry, when I am full, and sometimes for no fathomable reason whatsoever.

Since I love gum so much, Orbit® to me is like happiness. When I am feeling down I go to Dollar General and pick up a few value packs of Orbit® gum and chew it till the sadness is gone.  My favorite flavors are peppermint and spearmint. What are yours?  

You know how sometimes during the day your mouth tastes like a cat somehow snuck up and deuced in your mouth? Well Orbit® can wipe the poo taste away and leave you with that Just Brushed Clean Feeling™. I don’t know about you but I would much rather have that taste and feeling in my mouth than the alternative.

For a nominal fee Dollar General can hook you up with two seven piece packages of Orbit® gum. That is fourteen pieces of gum total!! How many pieces of Orbit® gum can you chew at the same time? Are you a peppermint or spearmint person? Eat Drink Chew!

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