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My Magical Moment and the Disney Baby Little Character Contest

A big thanks to Disney Baby for sponsoring this post and the Disney Baby “Little Character” Contest.  

When I had my first son, Ethan, in 1993 I never really gave much thought to having another child.  My marriage was on the fritz and I was pretty sure I had the most perfect baby in the world and no one could ever top him.  I had a difficult pregnancy and almost a year long recovery and over that time period I decided I was content.  As the years past Ethan grew into the cutest toddler, the most well mannered pre-schooler, and the best adjusted child around.  He was by all means perfect.

When Ethan was four his dad and I separated and a shortly thereafter divorced.  It wasn’t until Ethan turned 8 that I met my current husband, James.  He was thirteen years younger than me, never before married, and had no previous children.  We dated for a couple years and then got married.  Since he had no children we decided to try to have a baby and Ethan was really excited about becoming a big brother.  I had no idea how difficult having a baby would be since I was in my late 30s at the time.

We had no problem conceiving; all-in-all I became pregnant over 18 times.  We did, however, have a difficult time making it “stick” and just when we decided to give up I found out I was pregnant, again.  This time we got the progesterone in time and ended up carrying to term.  I was considered a high risk pregnancy and spent more time at the specialist office and at my OBs office than anywhere else.  I spent my entire pregnancy with gestational diabetes too and ended up doing insulin shots throughout.

Everything leading up to My Magical Moment-February, 17, 2004 – was all worth it because my youngest son, James came into our lives.

You can enter the contest here: http://www.disneybaby.com/magical-moments/ from May 15th until June 18th.  One winner a week, for a total of five finalists, will receive deluxe  Disney Baby prize packages, including a trip to LA and a $500 shopping spree, and will be eligible for the Grand Prize, a $10,000 scholarship.  Find more information on the Disney Baby “Little Character” Contest here.


  1. He was such a cutie! 🙂

  2. Mary Ambrosino says

    I hope you win because your story is charming.

  3. He is really a cute baby, congratulation, and more power and blessing.
