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Get Your FREE Samples of Brookside Chocolates at Sam’s Club 10/5 #DiscoverBrookside

This post brought to you by Sam’s Club. All opinions are 100% mine.

Get Your FREE Samples of Brookside Chocolates at Sam's Club 10/5 #DiscoverBrookside

Brookside Chocolatiers make the yummiest chocolate covered real fruit like Dark Chocolate Pomegranate and Dark Chocolate Acai with Blueberry.  Just like the front of the package states they are smooth dark chocolate covered real fruit juice pieces and a natural source of Flavanol Antioxidants. 

So what does that mean to you? 

Whenever you are making healthier choices in your life but still crave that chocolate have a ¼ cup of Brookside chocolates provides you with 100 mg of flavanol antioxidants, 180 calories and only 4g of saturated fat.  Not bad considering the alternative.


Here is what I thought?

I’m a lover of dark chocolate but I can’t just sit there and munch out on a block of chocolate, it’s just too much for me.  I tried both the Dark Chocolate Acai with Blueberry and the one with Pomegranate.  Although I liked them both I LOVED the Acai with Blueberry.  I’m not sure what an Acai is supposed to taste like, but it taste like sweet blueberries to me.  The pomegranate wasn’t as sweet, but it was still good.  The chocolate wasn’t too bitter either and the pairing of the sweet with the bitter chocolate was a perfect blend.

Want to give them a try?

Visit your local Sam’s Club store to discover Brookside because they will be handing out samples on October 5th.  I’m pretty sure you will want to bring a friend.

I’ll see you there because I should be out by then…in the meantime visit  Brookside Chocolate on Facebook

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  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    I will be in line for the Blueberry.
