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Why You Should Include Brown Rice Into Your Fitness Plan

Why You Should Include Brown Rice Into Your Fitness Plan

Brown rice is one of the most nutritious foods for athletes, and you can get tons of product info on how it works perfectly with a fitness program. This wholesome food provides sustained energy and glucose to the muscles. This low-fat food has been fueling runners in Kenya and hikers in India for centuries. Here are a few reasons why you should include it in your fitness plan.

Perfect Protein Balance

Contrary to popular belief, your body does not need huge amounts of protein. Rice has just the right amount of protein. It contains seven to 16 percent of protein depending on the variety. The World Health Organization recommends a minimum of five percent protein. It’s easy to see that rice is actually the perfect protein source.

Quality Carbohydrates

The wholesome carbohydrates found in rice provide sustained energy. Rice is a starch, and it has been shown that starches are actually beneficial for weight loss and those trying to become fit. These carbohydrates are especially good for runners and high-intensity fitness programs.

Plenty Of Vitamins

Rice is packed with vitamins. Riboflavin, potassium, iron and Vitamin E are a few of the most notable vitamins in this grain. They help to boost your immune system. They also help the body metabolize food properly. The antioxidants even prevent free radicals from damaging your body.

Rice Doesn’t Make You Fat

If you look at the civilizations where rice is a major staple, you will see that those people are rarely fat. The Chinese, Japanese and Kenyans are three examples. These people are slim. Kenyans are known for being the fastest runners in the world. The trick is to not eat brown rice with tons of oils or butters added.

This adds fat that can cause obesity and diabetes. Fat slows the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. It doesn’t allow for those starches to be processed efficiently. Eat rice steamed with natural herbs and vegetables for the best results in your fitness routine.

Rice is a balanced and nutritious food that no person should be without. Making it part of your fitness plan can increase your speeds, endurance and lower your recovery time. It’s easy to prepare in dozens of ways too. To get the best results in your fitness plan, be sure to eat rice once per day. Centuries of athletic people can’t be wrong when it comes to the fitness benefits of consuming rice.

Guest post written by Becky W.


  1. I love brown rice. Eat it often. It was good to see all the health benefits listed.

  2. Brown rice is one of my favorites, I like its taste, and it is really healthy. Especially the organic ones.

  3. I don’t really eat rice and even brown rice. My usual diet includes strawberry, carrot and lettuce salad with small amount of mayo.
    But I guess I should consider the health benefits of brown rice. Thanks for this anyway.
