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What Would You Do For Love?

heart of roses

As Valentine’s Day approaches everyone starts thinking about love.  It’s natural.  After 8 years of marriage Valentine’s Day still causes me to freak out in a slight panic.  Although we don’t necessarily celebrate Valentine’s Day in the traditional sense with flowers and candy, we still try to be a bit more attentive and affectionate on that day.   It is a sacred day when I don’t complain that he turned the heat off in the middle of the night and he doesn’t complain that I left my junk on the table.

I was asked recently “what would you do for love”?  That is a very hard question to answer, isn’t it?  What would you do?  I know I would take another person’s life if I had to protect my family, but I don’t think that is what they meant by asking me that question.  So, I thought about it and came up with the following idea…..

When you love someone you stay by their side when things are the toughest.  When you love someone you forgive them for their mistakes and trust that they will never make those mistakes again.  When you love someone you compromise and watch the movie you really could care less about seeing because laying next to them far outweighs what is on the television.  When you love someone you understand that not every day will be perfect and that is okay.  When you love someone you make it a priority to spend time together – alone.  When you love someone what do you do?

Love is not simple.  It’s complex, confusing, painful, and wonderful all at the same time.

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This post was sponsored by Tiny Prints and I was compensated for my post via Global Influence and Tiny Prints.


  1. Hi Lisa!
    I’m married for 12 years and together for 17 years. Love needs patience.I miss every year Valentine’s Day..I miss my husband coming home with roses and a bottle of champagne..and watching a romantic movie together..
    I’m following your blog and also on fb(http://www.facebook.com/pages/yonca-is-cooking/189209883765)
    twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/yonca1)
    Would love a follow back 🙂 Thanks!

  2. Mary Ambrosino says

    I would be grateful that he overlooks my faults so I would overlook his.

  3. In a healthy marriage you want your partner to feel appreciated and you should always treat your significant other like it is Valentines Day
