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Steps to Help in the Prevention of Breast Cancer

breast cancer

Breast cancer is a disease that develops in the tissues of the breast. Over 40,000 women and approximately 400 men die from breast cancer each year. While it can strike even the healthiest of humans possible, there are some steps you can take to help in its prevention.

Keep Your Weight in Check

After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most predominant cancer. You can give your body a fighting chance at life by following some easy cancer prevention tips. One of the easiest methods is to keep your weight in check. Maintaining a body mass index (BMI) of less than 25 throughout your life can improve your chances. Weight gain, especially during midlife can increase a woman’s chances of breast cancer significantly. Elevated BMI’s can boost the risk of breast cancer post-menopausal.

Minimize Your Alcohol Intake

There are a number of new detection methods used to detect and treat breast cancer today. Fundraising efforts aid in cancer research and detection. While self-exams and mammograms can help in the fight of breast cancer, minimizing your alcohol intake can also help. Alcohol consumption is one of the most prominent dietary risks in breast cancer. Drinking more than one alcoholic drink per day can increase your chances by 20 to 25 percent.

Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables

Your mother was right when she made it a point telling you to eat your fruits and veggies every day. Eating seven or more servings of berries, cherries, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, carrots and tomatoes can substantially lessen your chances of developing breast cancer. To gain the most benefits, you want to eat them in their natural state or lightly cook them. Covering them in rich cheese sauces and fats will do more harm than good.

Get Moving

Regular exercise can provide some major protection against breast cancer. Just 30 minutes of exercise each day and at a moderate level is enough to help lessen your chances. Consistency is the key, so try to aim for 5 to 7 days a week. Walking, yoga, weight training, biking and running are all great exercises. You may even want to sign up for boot camp, Zumba or step classes at the gym.

Know Your Fats

The wrong fats can put you at a greater risk for breast cancer. You can aid your cause by minimizing your intake of saturated, trans and omega-6 fats. Instead, maximize your consumption of omega-3 fats such as natural oils from sardines, herring, lake trout, salmon and tuna. Monounsaturated oils found in olive oil, nuts, avocados, seeds and canola oil are also much healthier.

Choose the Right Carbs

If you exercise, carbs are a necessary part of your diet. However, you want to stay away from the white toxins. These include white potatoes, rice, flour and sugar. While they may be prominently used in cooking, they can promote cellular changes in the tissues of your breast. Substitute the white sources for healthier alternatives such as whole-wheat flour, legumes, brown rice and beans.

Increase Your Soy Intake

Research has shown a positive pairing in reducing breast cancer. Whole food soy items such as edamame, soy milk, miso, tofu can aid in lessening your chances. However, stick to the non-genetically modified soy and organic versions.

Avoid Stress

Stress, anger, worry and anxiety are all emotions that can increase your chances of developing breast cancer. To alleviate the toxic emotions, try engaging in a bit of self-nurturing. This means finding something beneficial to do for yourself every day. Whether you have lunch with friends, take some time to meditate and put your attitude in a positive place, the body-mind experience is significant in relation to breast cancer.

John Miller is a home improvement and design expert who loves sharing what he has learned throughout his career on various online media and websites.


  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    Regular mammograms are most important.
