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Safety Preparedness for Zombie Apocalypse (and Other Disasters)

I thought it would fun to talk about Zombie Apocalypses (and other disasters) and how to prepare for them.  For instance, did you know there are actual websites where you can buy emergency foods?  Yep, there are companies out there that sell everything you need to ensure you survive – long term.  My husband is a huge Zombie fan and he is ALWAYS telling me about things he would do if were became infested or about items he would stockpile.  Just in case you haven’t thought about it, here is a brief list of the top necessities you would need to survive.

Zombie Apocalypse Safety Preparedness List

1.  Food.  Companies such as BuyEmergencyFoods.com sell all types of survival gear, foods, and other necessary things.
2.  Water.  It is one of the first thing to become compromised so be sure to stock up on clean, fresh water.  It is also a great idea to find tablets that you can add to water to make it a viable source.
3.  Fire.  Make sure you have waterproof matches to start fires and it never hurts to have a flint fire starter.
4.  First Aid.  Keeping wounds clean is important so be sure to have a first aid kit handy.
5.  Nylon Rope. You never know what you will need it for, but you will surely need it.
6.  Solar Flashlight with battery backup.  You have to be able to see who is in the dark!
7.  Knife.  You have to have a sharp knife to stab Zombie with (and for other reasons).
8.  Portable Radio (and spare batteries).  It is necessary to know where the safety zone is located.
9.  Duct Tape.  Need I say more?
10. Insert your recommendation here….
What is missing from the Zombie Apocalypse Safety Preparedness List? 


  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    My adddition would be a thermal blanket. You never know when the zombies might attack at night and everyone needs a blanket.

  2. Because of my puppies, I would have to have dog food and an animal first aid kit.
    I totally LOVE this post!! =)

  3. Well I really don’t get the main point here. but I can see that all the source you have shared is very useful specially during disaster, we should be prepared, for us not to suffer enough and will have a problem soon.it proves that preparation is a must.
