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How Sweet Are You? Nevella To Go!


How sweet are you?  I’m pretty darn sweet!  Now that Nevella To Go has hit the market I just got a whole lot sweeter too.  Up until now using a sugar-free sweetener while on the go has been a challenge.  It might be because I’m picky, but it never fails that no matter where I go they don’t have the right sweetener available.  

I’m a fan of all three sweeteners – monk fruit, sucralose, and stevia – but they all have their purpose. Nevella’s easy to use and easy to carry To Go containers have made my life simpler. The zero calorie liquid sweeteners are under 3″ and fit great in my handbag.  It takes one squeeze to equal one teaspoon of sugar and there is between 80 to 200 servings per container (depending on sweetener).

Are you wondering why I carry all three sweeteners?  Here’s why:

Monk Fruit To Go

I use it for my tea, both hot and cold, because it has a honey flavor to it (in my opinion).  I think it compliments tea nicely and therefore I use it mostly for that purpose.  The bonus is that because it is liquid it is super easy to stir in a cold glass of tea without having to worry about it dissolving.

Stevia To Go

Stevia is a plant I actually grow in my own garden.  The natural sweetness is extracted through extraction by steeping the leaves much like tea.  I use this mostly in coffee.

Sucralose To Go

Because sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar this is my go to on days when I’m needing that sweet taste and my cravings aren’t being met with monk fruit or stevia.  The Sucralose To Go is the sweetest of all the Nevella To Go products and it has a slight syrupy texture (in my opinion).

Life is difficult enough to juggle for women like us and watching what we put into our bodies is just another thing we have to worry about but the convenience and ease of use of Nevella takes some of that worry out of my day. If you are looking for a zero calorie, zero carbohydrates, and gluten-free sweetener I believe Nevella To Go is the only way To Go

I took the Sweetness To Go Challenge using Nevella To Go. These handy little bottles fit perfectly in your purse or pocket, come in stevia, monk fruit, and sucralose varieties, and best of all, they’re calorie, carbohydrate, and guilt free! Take the Sweetness To Go Challenge yourself and click here to get your $1 off coupon!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Nevella. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. […] Comments 0 Nevella To Go is the new zero calorie liquid sweetener for the active women looking to decrease the sugar in their diet without sacrificing taste. The post How Sweet Are You? Nevella To Go! appeared first on Life With Lisa . …read more […]
