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A #Moem For All The Moms

This post brought to you by MetLife Foundation. All opinions are 100% mine.

A #Moem For All The Moms

Not only did I write a #Moem for my mom, but MetLife donated $10 to Dress for Success because of it.  Now that’s impressive.  Yes, today is Mother’s Day and in celebration of this awesome day MetLife is helping men and women explore their poetic side with the creation of a “MOM Poem” or #Moem.  The definition is really  “a tribute poem written and posted on social channels, preferably rhyming, in 135 characters or less.”  Here are some examples:

Of all the special joys in life, the big ones and the small. Spending today with my Mom, is the greatest of them all. #moem

“I forget around this time, almost every year, I owe it to her to say thank you, to my beautiful Mother dear. #moem”

For those of you, like me, who aren’t that creative you can visit the #Moem Maker and it will guide you through the steps.

You have to do your #Moem by midnight tonight to ensure your $10 donation counts toward their $50,000 goal.  So get your creative juices flowing.  The charity, Dress for Success, is an organization that helps low-income women achieve economic independence for themselves and their families through supporting their search for professional employment.

Please create your #Moem today to make your donation count!

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  1. Mary Ambrosino says

