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The Fresh Step® Sniff Test #plantpower

The Fresh Step® Sniff Test #plantpower

 Fresh Step

The Fresh Step® Sniff Test

It’s all fun and games until someone has to clean the litter box. Cleaning the litter box is a chore most people dread but who wants to choke on the smell? Whether you remember to clean it or not sooner or later the smell will grab you by the nostrils. Use poor quality litter and you may find yourself in a perpetual world of stink. Sometimes even the most expensive brands can’t cut the mustard. Just because it costs more than other brands does not necessarily mean it works better. Sometimes the less expensive stuff works better.


As empirically minded individuals, we are all about the research. Since college there just haven’t been very many opportunities to put our research skills to the test either. So when we were given the opportunity to participate in a “sniff test” if you will, we had to jump on board. Sometimes you just want to feel like your education is worth a lifetime of student loans.


The makers of Fresh Step® Litter sent us three samples of kitty litter labeled A, B, & C. A mystery odor was added to each of the jars and it was up to the litter to cut the smell. We were instructed to open the lid and smell each one and then choose which scent we liked the best.  Jar A smelled like dirty socks marinated in asparagus, Jar C smelled like a rusty bucket of pickles, and Jar B smelled the way kitty litter should smell. Naturally we chose Jar B as our favorite and it just so happened; Jar B contained the New & Improved Fresh step Triple Action® litter!  Based on our findings, Fresh Step Triple Action litter® smelled way better than the competition. We give Fresh Step Triple Action® a five paw rating! #plantpower

Next time you go to the store pick up a bag of Fresh Step Triple Action® and give it a shot. If it can handle what our cats Miller and Guinness can dish out surely it will work for you!  Don’t make a big stink about it either, just pick up a bag and discover “what the smell” it’s all about for yourself!

Try it for yourself!

Leave a comment telling me why you need Fresh Step Triple Action® and you could WIN some to try for yourself!

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 I participated in the post on behalf of the makers of Fresh Step® Litter and Burst Media.  Although I was compensated for my time and commitment, all opinions are my own.


  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    I love this stuff. It really works.

  2. I could always use Fresh step litter because I have 4 big eaters in the family. And , you know what comes next. LOL!
