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Fall Favorites: Green Mountain Naturals – Promo Coupon Code

One of my favorite things about Fall is apple cider.  I grew up in Upstate NY and fall festivals, homemade donuts, and apple cider were all part of life.  I can still smell the fresh baked donuts at Eagle Mills while they pressed fresh apples straight from the orchards to make cider while everyone gathered around to watch.  I think this is what I miss most about leaving NY.  For years I have tried various ciders found at the grocery stores in the South but none of them even closely resembled that fresh apple cider made to order in NY.

Last Fall I got to try Green Mountain Naturals® Hot Apple Cider as part of my ambassadorship for Green Mountain & Keurig and much to my surprise it was like visiting Eagle Mills all over again.  The Green Mountain Naturals® Hot Apple Cider is the freshest, most natural tasting hot apple cider I have ever had and it is a favorite of my families.  It is perfect for getting in the mood heading into autumn and it really does taste just like apples.  It contains only five ingredients including real apples, brown sugar, cinnamon and no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives!


This year we were surprised with a new treat, the first ever lemonade in a K-Cup® pack, Green Mountain Naturals® Lemonade.  

It combines the refreshing, sun-splashed flavor of freshly squeezed lemons with the convenience of the Keurig® single cup brewing system. This variety also contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.


My son is a huge fan of sour and lemons and the Green Mountain Naturals® Lemonade was a hit for him.  I wasn’t too sure about it at first until I realized that I had brewed it much too strong.  Once I got the setting right I found myself enjoying a glass a day with fresh mint sprigs from my garden.  Now I have a Green Mountain Naturals K-Cup® for the summer and one for the fall…

Be sure to follow Green Mountain Naturals® on Facebook  and Twitter (@GreenMtnNaturals).

Promotional Code

If you are interested in trying either of these you can save 15% off all Green Mountain Naturals K-Cup® packs using this promo code: GMN8147. The code is now active, and will be available through October 3 on GreenMountainCoffee.com.

Disclosure: I am a Keurig® Ambassador and receive various products to try as part of my ambassadorship.  My opinions are my own.


  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    Eagle Mills was last weekend now I want to try the Green Mountain Naturals® Hot Apple Cider
