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RaceTrac Free Coffee Week – November 10th – 16th #CrazyGoodCoffee

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by RaceTrac and we received compensation for sharing this information.

RaceTrac Free Coffee Week – November 10th – 16th

CrazyGood Coffee_logo-01

I don’t always drink windshield washing fluid but when I do, I like it to taste like an energy drink. Why do energy drinks have to taste so bad? Why do I keep drinking these things? It’s like some of these energy drink companies are in a competition to make the most horrible taste imaginable.

If you are tired of guzzling fizzy drinks that taste like they are cut with headache powder grab a cup of #crazygoodcoffee at RaceTrac. Coffee usually has more caffeine than energy drinks anyway and is more suitable for human consumption. I like to slam a large Columbian Roast and get things done. You know what I mean?

When I have a lot of work to do nothing helps me stay as productive as a good cup of coffee.  Plus nothing quite compares to the aroma of freshly percolated Arabica beans.  It’s time to get back to the basics people. Get off the drinks and give coffee another chance!

Head over to RaceTrac November 10 – 16 and you can get your coffee for free. During RaceTrac’s Free Coffee Week you can try all six blends for the low, low price of… nothing!!! What do you have to lose other than your lethargy? All cup sizes are available too so you don’t have to stand around the machine and drink out of a thimble. Head in, grab the largest cup available, and get the day started right. If you are not starting your day off with a cup, that’s OK too because it’s morning somewhere, probably.

$25 Gift Card #Giveaway!

Leave a comment below letting me know how you like your coffee and we will choose one winner on November 16th at 11:59pm via Random.org to win!  Must be in US as it is a RaceTrac gift card….doh!  If you tweet you get an extra entry (leave link – can be done daily).  You can also get an entry for following their social channels below!

Social channels for all things RaceTrac:

Website: http://www.racetrac.com

RaceTrac Insider: http://www.racetrac.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/racetrac

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/racetrac, hashtag #crazygoodcoffee

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/racetracvids

pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/racetrac

Instagram: #crazygoodcoffee


  1. I love my coffee extremely strong, with 2 artificial sweeteners and 2 creams… I have a Trac Trac around 2 miles away and this is very sweet of you 🙂

  2. melikegarfield says

    I like my coffee with one creamer and two sugars.

  3. Mary Ambrosino says

    Black with nothing in it and I pinned and tweeted.

  4. Dana Rodriguez says

    I love my coffee light and sweet

  5. Dana Rodriguez says

    I follow on Facebook,Pinterest ,Twitter and tweeted.Thanks for the chance!


  6. Sharon Kaminski says

    I like my coffee with creamer, thanks.

  7. kim burnett says

    with cream and sugar!!

  8. I follow racetrac on pinterest under straykattt!!

  9. I follow racetrac on twitter under @mya98604

  10. Dana Rodriguez says
  11. I like my coffee with creamer and sugar.

  12. I follow RaceTrac on pinterest

  13. Lorina Padgett says

    I like my coffee with lots of cream, preferably iced.

  14. I like my coffee with almond milk (at home) or soy milk (if I am out) and with splenda.

  15. Decaf, black, no sweeteners!
