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Confessions of an Ex-Smoker: It’s Time to Quit


Confessions of an Ex-Smoker

Times are different now than when I grew up.  At the young age of 7 years old my dad was giving me a dollar to go to the store and buy him a pack of Camel, no filters.  I got to keep the change to buy a soda pop and bag of chips or candy for myself.  Not only was it legal for the store to sell me the cigarettes (with a note from dad of course) but it was common and cheap (~30 cents).  On occasion I would pick up an extra pack of cigarettes for myself and my friends to smoke down in the gully by our elementary school.  I was in first grade and I was a smoker.

My parents didn’t know I smoked until I turned 15.  I grew up stealing Salem Lights from my mom and Carlton’s from my gramma.  I didn’t smoke a pack a day or anything, but I smoked.  It wasn’t until the doctor told me I was pregnant in 1992 that I quit.  I threw away my cigarettes and refused to smoke while I was pregnant and breathing air for two.  Unfortunately after my son was born it didn’t take too long for me to start again.  One good argument with his dad and I ran out to buy a pack of Newports.  I didn’t quit again until 2003 when I got pregnant with my second son, but old habits die hard and I started smoking again a year or two after he was born.

Over the past 30+ years I wanted to quit smoking a million times, but other than being pregnant with my sons I was never able to.  If they had electronic cigarettes like V2 around back then it might have been easier.  With tools like those offered in the V2 Cigs Kit a standart kit would have made quitting much easier for me and I would have been healthier and stink-free much sooner.  I did finally kick the habit in 2010 as part of a new years resolution, but it took years of cravings and over eating to conquer my addiction.

Today, I’m FREE!

As part of that celebration I’m hoping this 20% OFF codereview20” will help you quit too!

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The V2 Standard Kit comes with an automatic and a manual battery, USB Smart Charger, wall adapter and ten flavor cartridges. The Ultimate Starter Kit ramps this up to 25 cartridges, a car charger, a USB-powered battery, another battery, a metal carry case, a portable charging case and a lanyard.

If you would like to read some reviews about electronic cigarettes and/or need more information please visit ecigarettereviewed.com is the largest and most reliable source of reviews for electronic cigarette products.

Disclosure: I received compensation for sharing this promotional information with you today, but the story is true and mine.


  1. Wow. I’m seriously stunned and extremely proud of you for quitting. I’ve been a heavy smoker for 10 years now and still can’t find the will to quit. Even with e-cigs they just aren’t the same, I find myself going right back to the pack.

  2. Mary Ambrosino says

    So happy that you were finally able to quit. Hope these helps other to do the same.


  1. Confessions of an Ex-Smoker: It’s Time to Quit…

    My story of quitting smoking and a special offer for 20% off electronic cigarettes. The post Confessions…

  2. […] might have read my story about having quit smoking a few years back.  I mentioned at the end of the post one tool that might help you quit is the use […]
