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Cold and Flu: Are You Prepared

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for MedImmune Specialty Care. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Cold and Flu: Are You Prepared

Woman trying to sleep

It’s that time of the year again and no matter how prepared we think we are it isn’t always enough.  Although our family gets a flu shot every year it doesn’t make us immune to some of the nastiest colds during the season and there are some years when the flu shot just doesn’t happen in time to prevent an early attack.  There are things we can do as parents though that make it less likely to fall victim of these pesky germs that thrive this time of year.

Tips and Tricks to Staying Healthy

Get plenty of rest.  When our bodies are run down our immune system has a hard time fighting off germs that cause cold and flu.  Be sure to get enough sleep.

Wash your hands often.  The germs are everywhere and even in the most unsuspecting places.  It’s amazing how many times I’I’ve seen people sneeze in the hand only to touch a door knob or handrail without thinking. When washing your hands be mindful of some simple rules. Lather and scrub for at least 20 seconds being sure get in between fingers and the tops of your hands.  Rinse for at least 10 seconds and be sure to use soap!

Use tissue.  Sneezing into a tissue is the best option for containing germs.  If there is no tissue around use the crook of your arm.  Never sneeze into your hand.

Disinfect.  Be sure to disinfect areas where there are a higher concentration of germs and chances of spreading germs such as railings, faucets, and door knobs.  Be aware there is a difference between disinfecting and cleaning.

Educate  yourself.  Download a FREE copy of Elizabeth Pantley’s ebooklet, “A Parent’s Guide to Flu Season” for more great tips and tricks to help you through this cold and flu season.

A Parent’s Guide to Flu Season

The free ebook from Elizabeth Pantley is a wonderful go-to source for flu season and includes great information on flu vaccine options that we found very helpful.

Tips for Flu Prevention Infographic

What tips and tricks do you have for cold and flu season?


  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    Get a flu shot.
