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5 Quick Blog Writing Tips To Ensure A Good Read

Best Custom Essay asked me for blog writing tips and since there isn’t a lot of difference between blogging and writing an essay I thought it would be a fun post.  When I was in college I wrote my fair share of essays so blogging to me is nothing more than creative essay writing gone wild.  Unlike many bloggers though I don’t spend hours on writing a post.  Why?  I’m a bit more conversational and natural in my approach to writing, but everyone has their own style.  Below are five universal tips that everyone can use when crafting their blog posts to ensure it is a good read.

Five Quick Blog Writing Tips

Use Great Titles

The title of your post is usually the first thing people see.  It also determines whether or not your post is something they want to read.  Although an enticing title may bring the reader in make sure it contains the right keywords for search engines to use.  Also, a concise title is apt to save time for the reader and believe me, their attention span is very short when it comes to scanning and reading posts.

Use Great Images

Make sure you photos are relevant and large.  Readers need white space and photos help break up the words making it much easier to scan and read.  Photos should be good quality and they should correspond with the post.  Don’t forget to optimize your images with keywords for SEO purposes.

Use Short Paragraphs

Most of the people who read a post don’t spend much time actually reading.  It is probably be safe to say that very few people actually read a complete post so be sure to use short paragraphs that get straight to the point.  Long lines of text are overwhelming and hard to scan.

Use Scannable Copy

For those readers who skim and scan articles be sure to break up your copy.  Use a list, bullet points or images to make scanning easier.  It is also helpful to use headings to highlight information location throughout your post.

Use Understandable Language

It may be that you have a college degree, but keep in mind we aren’t writing college text books.  The standard rule of thumb is to write at an 6th  to 7th grade reading level.  Using big words and complex writing will drive readers away.  Most adults want to read copy that is quick and understandable without devoting too much time decoding it.

The next time you are reading a blog pay attention to your habits.  Do you scan the article?  What types of things made it easy for you to find what you were looking for? Was it easy to read? Incorporate different strategies into your writing and before you know it you will be writing great posts that are easy to read.

What can you add to the list?


  1. Great tips! I should use headlines in my post more often.. or titles.
