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How to Get Younger Looking Skin

How to Get Younger Looking Skin


If you’re looking for different things you can do to keep your skin looking young, you are in luck.  With the combination of a change in diet and topical creams, you will be able to ensure that your skin is not burdened by the appearance of wrinkles and saggy skin.  It is important to make sure that you take note of the following tips to prevent the development of wrinkles and to slow the progression of further wrinkles.

Washing Your Face at Night

The best time to wash your face is right before you go to bed.  During the day your face picks up a lot of dirt and debris that is soaked up into your pores.  For women who wear makeup, this is another thing that can contribute to your skin feeling dirty.  If you are able to remove all of this dirt and grime with the use of your favorite face wash, it gives your skin the chance to be clean and heal itself overnight while you sleep.

Wearing Sun Protection

Although many people assume that you can only see damage from the sun during the summer it is important to remember that the sunshine can affect your skin at any point in the year – even winter.  This is why it is of the utmost importance to make sure that you wear a sufficient amount of sun protection.  With the use of creams with SPF 30 or higher, you won’t have to worry about the skin becoming wrinkled and dry from the UV rays from the sun.

Manage Your Stress

You may have heard about worry lines or stress lines and these are anything but false.  Men and women who suffer from a consistently high level of stress are particularly susceptible to aging up to 5 years faster than those who have great stress management techniques.  The reason for this is because anxiety increases the production of cortisol which is responsible for breaking down collagen.  Considering that the human body requires collagen to keep the skin tight and firm, it is important that you limit the amount of cortisol in your body.

Alternating Your Routine

Using different products every 6 to 12 months is a great way to ensure that your skin experiences the most amount of improvements possible.  When you use the same products over and over again, your skin gets used to the formula and therefore the results aren’t as grand – they may even get worse.  Switching your cleansers and creams helps to ensure that your skin stays healthy.

Finally, if you have any questions about changes in your skin or spots you are not comfortable with, be sure to consult your dermatologist.  My friend Laurie makes regular check-ups with a dermatologist ever since she found a weird mole on her hairline.  Fortunately there was nothing wrong, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
