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New Seasons Starting: Join in on Beamly #Beamly #TrueBlood

New Seasons Starting: Join in on Beamly

Do you remember a while back I wrote about a great site and app for television/entertainment lovers called Beamly? Well, I wanted to give you a heads-up that there are some great shows starting up for their new season and I want to invite you to come join in the conversation. The official TV rooms for True Blood, Orange is the New Black, and The Leftovers (as well as many others) are buzzing!

We just finished up Game of Thrones and there were some great conversations happening around the season finale. Regardless of what your favorite show is you should stop in at Beamly and search for the official TV room that goes along with it. You never know, some of the top television stars often join in the conversation LIVE and you don’t want to miss out on that!

True Blood

Okay, this is the final season and I’m somewhat bummed out. With that being said I’m not sure how many more mystical characters they could incorporate into this show. In my opinion the further along a show like this goes the more unrealistic the writers get and it makes me lose interest eventually. Whether it’s the vampires, fairies, werewolves, shifters, or werepanthers there are sure to be many twists and turns before the final show. On Beamly there are some great questions being asked, such as is Eric really infected? Who should Sookie choose….Bill, Eric, or Alcide? Come join us and share your opinion on how it will all unfold!

Orange is the New Black

For all those NetFlix lovers out there the new season of Orange is the New Black has been released and the conversation on Beamly is thriving. Do you watch it all in one sitting? Episode each week? Or do you do a couple at a time? These are some of the things like minded OITNB fans are asking. Whether your favorite character is Crazy Eyes, Red or Black Cindy you are sure to find friends in this official TV room who like them too!

The Leftovers

This show just previewed and I think it’s going to be hit! If Lost, 4400, and Under the Dome writers all got together they would have come up with The Leftovers. Since this official TV room just started now is the time to get involved and grow with the group. Have you seen the show? Right now we are all trying to decide what “GR” stands for. Ideas?

Regardless of what your viewing pleasure is I welcome you to come join me in the conversation. We’re having a blast….

Beamly is THE 24/7 social and content network for TV and TV fans. Join me today in TV conversations and get the latest juice and gossip about your favorite shows!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Beamly. The opinions and text are all mine.
