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Common Myths About Urinary Tract Infections

Disclosure URISTAT® provided information on menopause symptoms and urinary tract infections as part of their Never on Pause education effort to facilitate this sponsored conversation.


In my last post I shared some tips and trick  from the URISTAT ® “Never on Pause” Education campaign featuring steps to avoid Urinary Tract Infections, but today I want to share some common myths about Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Funny that I’m working on this campaign and a few days ago I had some lab work done because my husband has been in the hospital. I paid particular attention to my urine results because I’ve been feeling like I might be getting an infection. Sure enough all the signs were there…thank goodness for URISTAT ® Pain Relief Tablets. I may not be 20, but I do know this is something I don’t want to fool around with so treatment is important, but I’m also aware there is no need to suffer and URISTAT ® Pain Relief Tablets gives me fast, temporary relief while my antibiotics kick in!

Myth #1: Only sexually active women in their 20’s get UTIs.

Apparently I’m a little older than 20-something.  However, many women experience UTIs during menopause and perimenopause. The lack of estrogen our bodies produce during this time period cause a drop in “good bacteria” levels allowing “bad bacteria” to grow more easily in the vagina or urethra, resulting in a UTI. Additionally, while sex may be a trigger for a UTI, there are other risk factors as well.  These include:

  • The female anatomy
  • Certain birth control (this is not a problem for me thankfully)
  • Pregnancy (another factor that doesn’t come into play for me)
  • Menopause
  • Urinary tract abnormalities
  • Complications in the urinary tract
  • Impaired immune system
  • Catheterization and previous UTIs

I know it’s surprising to read all those factors that put us at risk, isn’t it?

Myth #2: UTIs are not a big deal.

It’s true that a UTI may subside without treatment, but it’s also true that the infection could spread to your kidneys and cause serious and permanent damage.  If you are experiencing discomfort, it’s in your best interest to check it out. Infection is nothing to fool with and once it progresses and spreads it can be so painful.

Myth #3: UTIs only occur in women.

Men can also contract UTIs, but it is far less common.  While about 40-50% of women will experience a UTI in their lifetime, the same is true for only about 12% of men.  This is because of the natural structure of the female urinary system.

Myth #4: UTIs are caused by poor hygiene.

Getting a UTI does not mean that you have poor hygiene.  You can be completely clean and still get a UTI— unfortunate, but true.

What other myths are you aware of when it comes to UTIs?


About Uristat®

UTIs must be treated with a prescription antibiotic, but you can seek relief as soon as you begin to experience symptoms and think you have a UTI with URISTAT® Pain Relief Tablets. URISTAT® Pain Relief Tablets deliver fast, temporary relief of pain, burning and urgency and frequency of urination while you wait until you can see your doctor. From the makers of MONISTAT®, overbthebcounter URISTAT ® Pain Relief Tablets contain phenazopyridine HCl, the #1 doctor recommended ingredient used to treat UTI pain or discomfort.

For more information and for a $1 off coupon for URISTAT ® products, please visit $1 OFF COUPON .
