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The 6 Causes and Solutions of Noisy Gas Valves

Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-gold-and-red-industrial-machine-675987/

Noises coming from gas valves can be a bit alarming. It could be there are some issues with the installation or there is a pipe leak. It is very important to know what causes it to prevent further damage to your gas valve and to the entire production. Before we dive into gas valve noise causes and solutions, let’s have a quick overview of gas valves.

For fluid flow measurement and control, there are a wide variety of selections for equipment types and tools. And, out of these pieces of equipment, the most widely used is the gas valve or gas control valve.

Gas valves are used to control gases flow, such as oxygen, liquefied petroleum, and natural gas. These valves are available in plastic or metal materials that are completely in sync with the pressure requirements and controlled media. They play a very essential role in adjusting various load disturbances that are caused by a lot of factors like gas, steam, or water flowing within a pipe.

Now, during these processes, possible gas valve noises can emerge. Is it alarming? How to stop or prevent it? Let’s find out below.


One potential cause for excessive gas valve noise is undervoltage. This is due to inappropriate signal control, damaged wiring, faulty system control. Undervoltage can cause gas valves to oscillate between the open and closed capacities; a condition which makes audible hum and irregular vibrations.

Solution: Thorough activation of gas valves and voltage measure, it helps control any unnecessary noise.

Parts that are Missing or Loose

Another factor that causes gas valves to create noise is missing or loose parts in the attachment. This is mostly accompanied by a chattering noise and mostly occurs if there is inappropriate maintenance on the gas valve.

Solution: Verify if all parts are tightly installed and if the manual is strictly followed. Also, if there are missing components, it is recommended you find a spare that is fitting.

Too Much Pressure

Too much flow rate or pressure across gas valves can create humming noises. Exhaust tubing and inlet must be of exact diameter in order to release flow rates on a lower scale. Some valves need a speed-control apparatus for smooth and convenient operation. Moreover, internal damage can also create valve noise.

Solution: any suspected wear-related issues to the gas valve should be reported immediately to the professionals. Make sure there is enough diameter inlet to allow flow rates.


Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/pressure-gauge-instrument-meter-862180/

Gas valves with Indirect and Super Low Differential Pressure

There are certain gas valve designs that need a minimum pressure differential for proper opening and closing position. This is called pilot operated or indirectly operated. In case the requirement for pressure differential is not met, there is a high chance the gas valve will not open fully or may resonate from open to a closed position in a rapid way causing some audible noises.

Solution: Pay close attention to the operating differential pressure specification under the gas valve sheet. Or use a gas valve that does not have any requirement for differential pressure.

Foreign Substances

Foreign substances like dirt can greatly affect the gas valve operation. Valves run at temperatures that can be relatively higher than the surrounding air temperature. Valve noises can be an indication of a foreign substance. However, depending on the size, valves can either be less or more immune to this issue.

Solution: Thorough and proper valve cleaning on a regular basis should be done.

Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/valves-pipes-industry-495377/

Pneumatic Devices

In the industrial application setting, certain pneumatic devices have used that consist of valves with pressure system vent directly to the surrounding. Gas valve noise can be pretty loud wherein sometimes workers are required to wear protection for their ears. This is to avoid further issues, such as tinnitus, hearing loss, and stress. Too much exposure to sound levels that exceed 90dB (decibel) can lead, eventually, to hearing loss.

The noise created by pneumatic devices on valve exhaust ports mainly comes from a strong air that leaves from the exhaust port. This is caused by an intense surge in the flow passing through the orifice.

Solutions: To prevent further ear damage and to decrease the effect, installation of pneumatic mufflers in exhaust ports is necessary. A wide variety of pneumatic mufflers are available in the market today. They often come on back pressure, noise reduction, and flow ratings. Majority of mufflers have filters for contaminant prevention, such as oil mist released in the surroundings.  


Gas valve noises come from different causes. In order to come up with an appropriate solution, proper intervention is required. Identify what causes what. If it is something you can’t handle alone, seek professional help at once. Keep in mind that in every valve noise issue, there is a specific way to fix it.

On the other hand, when it comes to valves in general and you are not so familiar with them — yet you’re facing valve noise issues — it is recommended to ask advice from your valve manufacturer. There are also specific manufacturers available in the market, such as gas valve manufacturer, check valve manufacturer, etc. Know who to ask assistance with.


  1. Mary A Ambrosino says

    Hooe I never need this information but thanks,
