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Money Saving Monday: What Does Your Credit Report Say About You?


Okay – I just got done getting all three of my hubby’s and my credit reports. I am so glad I did it. The best part? It was absolutely free – no strings attached from our membership with LifeLock.  Every year in January I take a long hard look at our credit report to ensure everything is correct and that the things that were wrong are taken care of.  Ever since we got our membership with LifeLock it’s been 100% accurate because we monitor it more frequently and every time something changes we are notified via phone or email – per our request.

Now, back to our report. Last year prior to having LifeLock we found that my husbands report had a past hospital co-pay was reported 6 times! Can you believe it? First off, I do not remember the bill…but really, 6 times? We disputed that and it is now fixed. Second, we found that the vehicle we paid off 2 years ago (we were never late) shows up as “Charged Off” from one of the credit bureaus. If that is were the case, how would we have the title? Another call we had to make. Finally, the Children s Book Club has filed a claim against my husband for $200. Our question is, what is the “Children’s Book Club” and where are our books???

Start the year off right and stay diligent.  Not only can you keep on top of what credit agencies are reporting, but Lifelock can help you monitor against identity theft as well.  We are all human and there is a good chance you may find a mistake or two that needs to be fixed as well!

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Disclosure: I have received compensation for my participation as a LifeLock Ambassador. All opinions are my own.
