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Making the Right Assisted Living Decision for Yourself or a Loved One: What You Really Need to Know

Senior Woman Helping Husband As They Walk In Park Together

The subject of assisted living is not often a topic of conversation until it is actually time to make a decision for yourself or a loved one, and it soon becomes apparent that you may not know as much as you hoped about something so fundamental to your future.


There are many different circumstances where you might become in need of assisted living. It could be that someone like Slater and Gordon lawyers have had to get you compensation after an injury in order to finance your future, or you or a loved one may simply be reaching a point in life, where some extra help is needed.


Difficult and stressful decision


Most of us want a degree of consistency in our lives and the prospect of facing upheaval and uncertainty about the future can be very stressful.


It is this air of uncertainty and the fear of the unknown that prompts a bout of anxiety and raises the stress levels, especially when the discussion turns to the subject of assisted living.


Making the move from your own familiar surroundings to a new home that offers you the level of care you need, is going to induce feelings of fear and trepidation about what lies ahead, which is why it makes sense to learn about what assisted living really involves, before the time actually comes to do something about it.


What assisted living means


It is important to understand exactly what assisted living means.


There are a number of care options available and assisted living is just one of them. The concept of assisted living is to provide an environment that appeals to someone who still retains a reasonable element of independence, but needs some level of care and assistance, that is not round-the-clock support.


If you or a loved one don’t currently need much help with daily chores and there are no serious health issues to contend with, the option of assisted living offers you access to a private apartment-style accommodation facility with your own furniture and private bathroom, but easy access to restaurant facilities and trained care when you need it.


Coping with the cost


One of the potential drawbacks attached to the option of assisted living, is the cost.


Assisted living should work out less expensive than a nursing home, but the monthly expenses could still be beyond the financial means of some of us. You or a loved one might qualify for some financial support, so make enquiries with Social Services and local council support services, to see whether you qualify for some financial assistance to help you afford assisted living costs.


Balance between care and independence


The fundamental difference between assisted living and a nursing home option, is the level of care provided by the staff in each relevant facility.


The discussion you have to have about your needs or those of a loved one, is what level of independence is possible and desirable. Assisted living tends to offer more privacy and definitely more independence than a nursing home, so it is your state of health as well as your preferences that can often help to decide whether assisted living is the right choice.


Understanding what assisted living actually means, will help the decision-making process when the time comes.


Harry Bishop writes about topics close to his heart. Currently he is caring for a frail Father-in-law, and this has raised several topics which Harry has later written about, hoping his writing will help others.
