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How Will You Celebrate Giving Tuesday?

How do you celebrate Giving Tuesday?

Our family, each year, finds a different way to give back. Whether it’s going through all the toys and picking out which to donate to the local children’s home or to help sell Christmas trees with the youth group at the local church, there is always something to do. Sometimes, for me, it’s paying the toll for the car behind me at the toll plaza.  Regardless, giving is something we do as a family and we try to do it all year round.

My favorite memory was the year we all got together and sold Christmas trees at church to help fund a Youth Ministry trip. There is something about doing things for others that just makes me feel good. I guess it’s selfish, but I don’t mind being selfish if I’m doing things for others. What are your favorite Giving Tuesday memories?

If you are looking for something to do, but don’t have time to go out and do something in your neighborhood, that’s okay too. The Un-carrier, T-Mobile, is giving back for Giving Tuesday in an un-traditional way and they are asking everyone – employees, T-Mobile users, and non-T-Mobile users to help decide where it goes.

Here’s how it works, they are giving us the opportunity to do their #GivingOnUs – making more than $2M available to donate on Giving Tuesday :

  • If you’re a T-Mobile customer: On Giving Tuesday (11/27) via the TMT app, customers will get the chance to give $1 on us to Feeding America ($1=10 meals) — plus, you can text-to-give as well.  You will also get the chance to win a gift code you can use donate to your favorite charity.

  • Everyone: Every time you retweet @TMobile’s Giving Tuesday tweet on 11/27, T-Mobile will donate $1 (10 meals) to Feeding America.

  • T-Mobile Employees: On Giving Tuesday, T-Mobile will deposit $27 in every T-Mobile employees Giving Account which they can donate to any charity of their choice. T-Mobile will match any additional donations on behalf of employees.

However, as I mentioned, giving doesn’t have to happen one day a year and T-Mobile has been a great company living their commitment to social responsibility, year round. They have given more than $8M and 34,000 volunteer hours to local and national organizations in 2018. They won’t stop in 2019 either.

You can find T-Mobile on Facebook and Twitter!

Come join us LIVE on Twitter November 29th at 9pm!  #GivingOnUs

Follow @Momtrends & @TMobile
