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How Air Filters Can Protect Your Home

Your home is a place where you can feel comfortable and safe. There is no place better than your home because you know you can be at ease and worry-free when you’re at home.

Many people aren’t aware of the fact that your home can have hidden dangers. One of these hidden dangers include the air inside your home which can be filled with contaminants. The air inside your home can actually have more pollutants than the air outside. This is because when you’re outside, you have constant air flow compared to the trapped air inside your home. Outside, you can be surrounded by many plants and trees that are constantly producing oxygen.

When you’re inside you don’t have access to the same amount of oxygen that is available when you’re outside. The air inside your home can be full of pollutants and if you don’t have a way to filter it out, it can become a problem. This is why your air conditioning system requires a filter. Although your air filter won’t completely clean out your air, it does have some benefits and it does help protect your home.

Below, we will go over some of the ways air filters can do this.

  • Purifies Air

One of the ways your air filter will help protect your home is by helping remove impurities from the air. Since the air inside your home just circulates within its enclosed space, the impurities in your air tend to stay and become concentrated. It can trigger asthma and other health conditions that may put you and your family in danger. Having an air filter will help filter these impurities out and can benefit your health since some of these impurities like mold spores can cause some serious health problems.

  • Reduces Allergens

Air filters also help reduce the number of allergens in your home’s air. This is why it is necessary to change your filters regularly. If you don’t change your filter regularly, then the trapped allergens can actually be released back into the air which will make your allergies act up. Having 20x20x1 air filters installed in your home can help you trap allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. It will also remove dirt and other contaminants from the air.

  • Save You Energy

Many people aren’t aware of the fact that changing their air filter regularly is not only good for their health, but it is also good for their wallet and the environment by saving energy. When you keep a dirty filter on your system for too long it can cause your air conditioning system to have to work extra hard in order to keep your home in the same temperature. This is because your air filter becomes clogged with contaminants and starts to restrict the air flow going in and out of your system. When this happens, your system is forced to work about 10% harder than it usually does, consuming more energy in the process. If you leave the same air filter on for too long you will start getting debris deposited into your system which can cause damages.

  • Lower Amount Of Repairs Needed

Your air conditioning system is one of the most important systems in your house. If you have ever had a broken system in the summer then you know how hot and humid that can feel. Not only does your system breaking down make you feel hot and uncomfortable, but it can also be quite expensive to repair. The average AC system repair is about $300 with a repairman charging an average of $100 an hour. The cost to replace an entire system it usually costs around $9,000. Leaving the same filter on your system can cause your system to overwork and overheat which can cause damages. If you leave the same filter for too long your system will become clogged and it will need to be repaired or replaced.


Although many people don’t ever think about their air filter, it has many benefits for your home, body, and air conditioning system. Your air filter should be switched out every 30 days in order to keep the air in your home free from contaminants. This will make the air in your home feel fresher and can have many health benefits. Leaving your filter on for too long without changing it out can cause your air conditioning system to break down leaving you with thousands of dollars’ worth of damage.


  1. Mary A Ambrosino says

    We have always used air filters and it is important to change them on a regular basis.
