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Best Equipment to Buy for a Home Gym

https://unsplash.com/photos/lrQPTQs7nQQ   Gyms are slowly opening up after being closed for months due to COVID-19. However, people are still wary of working out in a closed space with other people. Many have found ways to keep active during the pandemic while abiding by social distancing protocols. It is important to stay fit and healthy, even […]

Quick-and-Easy Health Tips for Weight Loss

The cycle of losing and gaining weight can feel endless at times. However, losing weight and getting healthy is more than just cutting out dessert, it’s about making sustainable, everyday changes that will impact your lifestyle. If you find yourself stuck in the constant losing and gaining weight cycle, you need some simple and easily […]

This Is What Happens When You Relapse

Recovery from addiction is challenging. Addiction can be cunning and powerful, and there may be times along an addict’s journey to full recovery when they relapse.  According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 40%-60% of drug addicts in recovery will relapse.   But what is a relapse, and how can you deal with one when it […]

5 Things That Could Be Causing Your Jaw Pain

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com Have you ever missed out on your favorite meal because it was too painful to chew? Or, not be able to get a good night’s sleep because your jaw was aching? You’re not alone. Millions of people experience jaw pain from a variety of sources. The good news is that jaw […]

The Truth About Nursing Home Abuse

Source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/utep-uploads/wp-content/uploads/online-regis-college/2018/12/11072131/What-are-nursing-facilities–500×333.jpg Nursing homes do not operate out of pure love for the elderly. Private nursing homes are just like any other business, where they are primarily driven by profit. Most of them are reputable and for a price, can be very comfortable for the elderly that reside in them. Problems can arise when employees […]

5 Reasons to Stay Fit and Healthy

Health and fitness in today’s world have been a serious issue for both adults and the younger generation. The big question is, why is it such an issue of concern these days? Well, people’s lifestyles have changed drastically, starting with the improved use of technology and the food they consume. There is a lot of […]

Coping With Menopause: Know Your Options

Most of us know what menopause is, or at least we know the stereotypes about it— it’s that time when women “get crazier” and “have lots of hot flashes.” However, medically speaking, menopause is diagnosed once a woman has gone 12 months without having a period, according to the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic also reports […]

4 Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopausal symptoms can make your life horrible. But the good news is that there are solutions out there. With HRT, you can treat menopausal symptoms and get your normal life back. What is Hormone Replacement Therapy? Once menopause strikes, the level of estrogen falls drastically. Some women experience vaginal dryness, hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, as […]
