The hit parenting series America’s Supernanny is currently casting families for the next season of the show that would benefit from child/teen expert, Deborah Tillman. The casting team is sending producers to the Atlanta area to find families interested in receiving personalized advice for their unique circumstances. The challenges parents may be struggling with could include disrespectful behavior; “tween” and teen issues; mean girls or bullying boys; and blended families where both sides are seeking help.
Deborah Tillman founded and currently runs 3 successful full-time daycare centers in Virginia where she’s worked with children & teens for years; she regularly presents workshops on childcare throughout the country, and she’s the author of Stepping Out on Faith, a guide to operating a quality childcare center. She holds a BA in Business Administration from Upsala College, a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education from The George Washington University, and has also studied at Oxford University.
The deadline to apply is May 30. For more information about how to apply or to recommend a family for the show, please contact Robyn Kiyomi at 323.904.4680 or via email at with your name, phone number, city/state, number of children, and why you need help.
Rats! I wish they were casting in L.A. I was just telling my sister how she should try to get on one of the nanny shows because my 5 year old niece won’t stop whining. She’s so adorable but the whining drives everyone crazy. 🙂
Hi Carly, call or email me so we can chat about your sister because we cast nationwide and LA is definitely one of the cities we’re at right now! Or you can just pass along my contact info and have her call me herself. Either one works. 🙂
I think you should answer that call…lol…..
The most famous nanny is Mary Poppins, but aside from flying over roofs, nannies are a major business. In the United States, they are sometimes confused with baby sitters, but there are vast differences..