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Making Your Home More Energy Efficient

Energy saving lamp and money in basket

Having a home that is eco-friendly can assist you when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint as well as with lowering your energy bills. The first place to start of course is with making sure that your home is using energy wisely, and to do that, you might want to consult an energy auditor. These professionals will come in and give your home a once over to find out if you have any areas that can be improved upon when it comes to energy consumption and conservation. They will let you know which areas need a bit of work and how to fix them.

Going Solar

When that is done, and you still want to make some changes, consider going solar. You can find some great solutions at https://www.solar-electric.com/. This is a great benefit both to you and the environment. Solar energy panels no longer need to be unsightly on top of your home either. They can be installed in a number of different patterns on your roof and the additional components for solar power can be put out of sight because of their reduced size. You might even decide to go with solar roofing tiles. These will last twice as long as a normal roof while looking better. They would cost less and generate your energy. Solar power is a source of energy that is both clean and affordable.

Heating and Cooling

Another smart energy solution for your home would be to have your heating and cooling system checked out and possibly replaced if it is more than 10-years-old. This is because the older they get, the less energy efficient they are and they end up costing you more each month on your energy bills because they work harder than they need to in order to keep your home comfortable. The United States Department of energy gives a few guidelines when it comes to replacing your unit. They are as follows:

  • If your HVAC system is making a lot of noise
  • If you have excessive dust or humidity or difficulty in maintaining a constant temperature in some rooms
  • If your energy bills are increasing or your equipment needs frequent repairs
  • If your boiler or furnace is older than 15 years
  • If your air conditioner or heat pump is older than 10 years

Energy Star Appliances

You should also be using Energy Star appliances. These appliances are better for the planet while they also save you money. You don’t need to sacrifice when it comes to performance either. Performance tests on these appliances have found that they outperform equipment that is not Energy Star certified while they also use 10 – 50% less energy. With appliances that are Energy Star certified, you can reduce your greenhouse emissions while possibly qualifying for tax credits and reducing your monthly energy bills.

A Few More Methods

Here is a quick look at a few more ways that you can make sure that your home is being as energy efficient as possible.

  • Change the filters regularly on your heating and cooling unit.
  • Adjust your thermostat. By raising the temperature by a single degree, you can save as much as 10% on your cooling costs.
  • Consider getting a thermostat that is programmable.
  • Add portable fans and ceiling fans to cut down on the use of the air conditioner and to assist with the circulation of air.
  • Add insulation to your attic and walls.
  • Consider adding a ridge vent to the roof in order to lower the temperature sin your attic.
  • Replace those outdated incandescent light bulbs with the more energy efficient LED versions.
  • Consider using an instantaneous or tankless water heater.
  • Set the temperature on the water heater to 120 degrees.
  • Replace your windows with ones that are Energy Star certified.
  • Consider getting a wind turbine.

These things can add tremendously to your energy efficiency.

Reasons to be Energy Efficient

There are quite a few reasons for you to be more energy efficient. It offers benefits to you and to the planet. There are many benefits to this. These benefits include that it can save you money while improving the economy. It is good for the environment and can improve national security while enhancing your quality of life.

