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#Garden Ground Cover for Partial Shade Wordless Wednesday w/LINKY

We recently went to the Home and Garden show in Orlando and found some things we really liked that we plan on adding to our landscaping.


The Confetti Garden Purple Cleopatra were beautiful.  The combination of three various plants are rooted together.  When the plants become intertwined they create a mixed color across the combination and it adds a beautiful touch of color in landscaping.  Although they are full sun they also do fine in partial shade.


The front of our house is covered with old oak trees therefore it gets very little sun and we have to find plants like the Ligustrum japonicum ‘Jack Frost’ to use as ground cover.  This hardy variety also makes a great hedge choice if you are looking for something with a bit of color.  The Jack Frost does well in partial shade as well as full sun.


Although the Tinette requires a tad more maintenance than some of the others it makes a great ground cover in from partial to full sun.  This Florida favorite requires occasional pruning.


The Oyster Plant offers beautiful, lush ground cover that requires no special food or water.  The plant is two toned, green and purple and it does well in shaded areas. It grows so easily you can even use it in cracks of trees or similar spaces to create a unique landscape.


Also at the Home and Garden Show I found Dr. Earth, a company who makes all natural and organic fertilizers, soils, and other gardening products.  They also feature an extensive learning center on their site to check out.  I’m going to be trying out some of their fertilizers this season and will let you know how it goes!

Watch My Garden Grow

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  1. We have so many yard projects ahead of us still. We haven’t even started seeding yet since we still have snow on the ground. I’m so ready to see grass! Oh and we have the Jack Frost stuff- it spreads.

  2. Mary Ambrosino says

    I can hardly wait to see green here in the northeast……………


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