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We Choose Health

We Choose Health


Disclaimer: These are not our bodies. Our bodies are much worse…

Throughout 2014 we both experienced a nagging feeling that our health was simply not in the place we wanted it to be. That nagging feeling or persistent yearning for a better quality of life, blossomed into a decision that this year we would live healthier lifestyles. Although we both have different fitness goals, we share the desire to be healthier and have decided to make it happen through both diet and exercise.

When Lisa was pregnant with our youngest she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Her doctor recommended she consult a dietician and get enrolled in a diabetes nutrition class. Of course being the wonderful husband I am, I decided to support her efforts by attending the class with her. I was so impressed with the information we received, I decided to incorporate a similar diet into my lifestyle as well. After just a few weeks we both began to notice a difference. After it was all said and done we both lost weight and felt so much healthier.

The “diabetic diet” if you want to call it that, is a very realistic diet plan. What makes it realistic is there are no foods that are off limits. You are allowed to eat everything in moderation. For the diet to be successful just eat balanced meals, count carbs and try to stay within your range. It’s actually really simple. Unfortunately, over the years we have forgotten what we once knew so were going to retake the class.

To hold ourselves accountable and motivated we will be making a series of posts throughout the year on both nutrition and exercise. When it comes to living healthy we are definitely out of practice but we did it before therefore we can do it again. We already know it’s going to be hard in the beginning, but we know what to expect. It’s all about those baby steps! Join us on our journey as we choose health in 2015.

What are you doing in 2015 to be healthier?


  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    Great idea, We wish you well.

  2. You’re disclaimer almost made me spit out my coffee! This is a great way to hold yourself accountable and you’re right, there’s room for everything! Concentrate the most of the foods you need to INCLUDE instead of what to exclude and there will automatically be less room for the not-so-healthy things. Good luck!
